Silly Ferret Stuff

I’ve added links to various silly ferret stuff which I have done, like the Ferretoons and the Weasel Wardance clip 😀


Weasel Wardance Movie Clip
A short movie clip showing ferrets participating in the weasel wardance.



Our TV Ferrets
A segment shot in 1996 which featured our ferrets in a popular TV animal program shown nationally around Australia.



Some silly photos of our animals and other pictures with cartoon quips, just for a laugh.



Cats are funny but ferrets are even funnier, so here’s a LOLFerretz page with silly posters. If you have any LOLFerretz pictures of your own and would like to share them, you can upload them here.



Hall of Fame
Only Aussies would recognise some of the ‘celebrities’ who’ve had their pictures taken with our ferrets.



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Silly Ferret Stuff — 2 Comments

  1. I like ferrets and they are really cute. But their just not my kind/not what I’m looking for.

  2. I’m very happy to hear that, Lily! Kudos to you for finding out if a ferret was the right pet for you 😀
    Much better you realize that now rather than getting a ferret and finding out it was not for you, so then handing the poor thing over to a shelter!
    They are wonderful little critters but are definitely not for everyone.
    Cheers 🙂

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